Midgel Fanpage


So, why have I made this webpage? Well, I previously had a neocities webpage, but shut it down. It was not for midgel the penguin. It was something different entirely. As the new web grows, I find myself to dislike the new formats, interactions, and much more. I'm not even sure if there is a term for what I am explaining. Regardless, I do have some social media sites, but I will not share them, they're for personal contact only. Navigating this site is pretty easy, if you're able to read that is! Haha! Anyways, so what is this webpage about? Well, it's just what it says, it for the character Midgel. I have a ficional crush on this penguin, he won't replace anyone in my life. He is simply my first fictional crush that created a lot of the personality I am today.

Why is Midgel so important to me? Well, he's a penguin, he has a very interesting personality I seem to enjoy. I recalled my memory as a child watching this show and undoubtdly was intrested from the very beginning, it became obseessive recently a few months ago. Specifically Jan of 2024. There is something so charismatic about this penguin that makes my body flustered by just looking at him! I have created countless fanarts.

throughout my life I do recall remembering the show but never had the time to obess over it or create anything to show my appreciation. I remember the show would air along with "Richard's Scary World" My mother enjoyed that show, but I would always wait for the penguins. As I dive deep into this obession, I will try to collect memorabilia and I hope to create the biggest 3-2-1 penguins merchandise room. This show's legacy needs to be remembered!
